
Order by Wednesday @ Midnight for Guaranteed Friday Delivery

Kashrut Details by Vendor

# Vendor Kashrut
1) Adelicacies
2) Ala Carina Rabbi Babad, parve
3) Babka & More by Stephanie Chemtob Kosher, Dipped,Parve,Yashan
4) Batzek Dough Certified Kosher by the Orthodox Union
5) Ben's Best Charcuterie OU Glatt
6) Bone Suckin' Sauce Certified Kosher by the Orthodox Union
7) Books N/A
8) Bread & Batter Under strict supervision of Star-K
9) Candy Cakes by Ruthie Manopla Kosher, Dipped
10) Candy Man All Products Certified Kosher.
11) Carbone Certified Kosher by the OU
12) Challah by Elaine Mansour Kosher, Parve, Dipped, Yashan by request,
13) Challi N' Biscotti by Emily Massry Under strict supervision homekosher.org Kosher, Parve, Dipped Utensils,yashan,chalav yisrael,bet yosef
14) Cheese With A Twist by Kim Haber Kosher, Dipped, under hashgacha of Rabbi Choai
15) Chocolatey Licks Under Supervision of Tartikov
16) Chosen Foods Certified Kosher by the OU
17) Cipriani Foods
18) Crack'N Up Crackers Certified Kosher by JSOR
19) Don Pepino Certified Kosher by the Star K
20) Eileen's Treats J.S.O.R.
21) Fine Catering by Bella Betesh JSOR
22) Flowers by Betty Esses N/A
23) Freddie's Grill Under the strict supervision of JSOR. - Glatt Kosher - Bet Yosef - Pat Yisroel - Yashan - Bishul Yisroel
24) GlutenFree.sy
25) Gold's Certified Kosher by the OU
26) Gourmet String Cheese by Jane Under Hashgacha of Homekosher.org, A division of JSOR , All cheese is Chalav Yisrael
27) Grandma Sallie's Kaak & More Kosher, Dipped, Parve - Under Supervision of Tartikov
28) Healthy Whatever Home Kosher
29) Holon Foods Kosher, parve, bet yosef, chalav yisrael.
30) Jack's Beef Shack Under the strict supervision of Rabbi Yechiel Babad. All Meat is SBD Beit Yosef
31) Knafe Queen Kosher, Home kosher By JSOR
32) KosherValet See Individual Product Details
33) La Charcuterie Under the supervision of Rabbi David Navarro
34) Lite Bites by Jacquelyn Certified Kosher by Rabbi Tartakov
35) Mary Dairy Kosher, Dipped
36) Mazza by Marlene Certified Kosher by the JSOR
37) Mazza by Stephanie Esses Supervision: Meat and Parve Rabbi Yechiel Babad
38) Merlyne's Cuisine Rabbi David Choai
39) Mini Melanie All Products Dairy. Certified Kosher by National Kosher Supervision.
40) MOJO Corp
41) Nahum Bakery Star K
42) Nic's Desserts Certified by JSOR Home Kosher
43) Nicole's Kitchen JSOR
44) No Muffin Top Muffins Kosher, Dipped, Parve
45) Proyo Probiotic Yogurt Kosher, Dipped, Under the supervision of Rabbi Choi
46) Raaka Chocolate Certified Kosher by Natural Food Certifiers
47) Real Deal Oot Certified by Home Kosher
48) Sabatino Tartufi Certified Kosher by the OU
49) Sally's Goods by Sally Grossman Kosher/Dipped
50) Sarah's Tent JSOR
51) Shalom Foods JSOR
52) Sheila G's Certified Kosher by the Chaf K
53) Shua's Gourmet Kitchen Kehilah Kashrus (Flatbush Community Kashrus Organization),CRC Kosher, all meat salomon bet yosef, all Bisul Yisrael Bet Yosef Lechumrah
54) Simply Natural by Gloria Braunstein Kosher, Dipped, Parve
55) String Cheese by Gail Maslaton Kosher, Dipped.
56) Sylvia's Candy Shoppe JSOR & Star K & YASHAN & Pat Yisrael
57) That’s So Cheesy Kosher, Dipped
58) Totally Tapenade Kosher, Dipped, Parve
59) Trader Joe's All Products Listed Are Certified Kosher
60) Twist Challa by Karen Tawil Under Supervision of Star K
61) Veg Out Burgers by Joan Sitt Certified Kosher Parve by the Orthodox Union (OU)
62) WE-BRÜ Cold Brew Coffee Under the supervision of JSOR
63) Whole Fruits by Sabrina Benun Rabbi Navarro
64) Wholesome Certified Kosher by the Orthodox Union